Rain Addict_5 : Shadows of Betra 首页

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   5 : Shadows of Betra (第3/6页)

elp you in any way we can. Our village may be small, but we have brave men and women willing to fight for the kingdom.”

    Touched by their offer, Sukie and Han Fengling thanked the villagers and began making preparations for the journey ahead. Mei, sensing the gravity of the situation, approached Sukie, her eyes wide with determination.

    “I want to help,” she said firmly. “I’m not afraid. I want to fight for my family and for everyone else who has suffered.”

    Sukie knelt down, placing a hand on Mei’s shoulder. “You’re very brave, Mei. We’ll need all the help we can get. But remember, your safety is the most important thing. Stay close to us, and we’ll get through this together.”

    As they set out for the capital, a sense of urgency propelled them forward. The journey was long and arduous, but their determination never wavered. Along the way, they encountered other groups of villagers and rebels who joined their cause, swelling their ranks and bolstering their spirits.

    One night, as they camped by a river, Sukie and Han Fengling sat by the fire, their hands intertwined. The flickering flames cast a warm glow on their faces, and for a moment, they allowed themselves to relax and enjoy each other’s company.

    “Do you ever wonder what life will be like after all this is over?” Sukie asked softly, her eyes reflecting the firelight.

    Han Fengling looked at her, his expression tender. “I do. I dream of a world where we can live in peace, without fear or darkness. A world where we can build a future together.”

    Sukie’s heart swelled with love. “I dream of that too. And I believe we can make it a reality.”

    Han Fengling leaned in, pressing a gen
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