Rain Addict_5 : Shadows of Betra 首页

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   5 : Shadows of Betra (第4/6页)

tle kiss to her lips. “With you by my side, I know we can.”

    Their moment of peace was shattered by the sound of rustling in the bushes. Instantly alert, Han Fengling drew his sword, and Sukie readied her magic. A figure emerged from the shadows, and they were both relieved to see it was one of their scouts.

    “We’ve spotted a group of the Dark Lord’s soldiers nearby,” the scout reported. “They seem to be setting up an ambush.”

    Han Fengling’s expression hardened. “We need to deal with them before they can attack us. Gather our forces and prepare for battle.”

    The camp sprang into action, the air filled with the sounds of preparations. As they moved through the darkness, Sukie felt a sense of unity and purpose. They were not just fighting for themselves but for everyone who had suffered under the Dark Lord’s tyranny.

    The ambush was swift and brutal. Sukie and Han Fengling led the charge, their movements perfectly synchronized as they fought side by side. The Dark Lord’s soldiers were caught off guard, and the battle quickly turned in their favor.

    In the midst of the fight, Sukie spotted a familiar face. The leader of the soldiers was none other than the man who had attacked their outpost and taken Mei’s family. A surge of anger and determination filled her, and she fought her way towards him.

    “You!” she shouted, her voice filled with fury. “You’re not getting away this time!”

    The leader sneered, raising his sword to meet her attack. “You’re a fool to think you can defeat me.”

    Their swords clashed, the sound ringing through the night. Sukie fought with everything she had, her anger and determination fueling her strength. Han Fengli
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